Isbelonging to the faith and doctrine and the political party contrary tocivilization and pollution rates?
All believers in God and the books that inflicted theangels on the Apostles and they are all children of atomic Ibrahim, his wifeSarai, his cousin was Isaac and after him Jacob, grandson, nicknamed Israel,and his sons from his second wife, Hagar or Ishmael is behind a grandson of theProphet Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, and all the other prophets of thetree descent to our father Abraham, but the fraud in the first books of theTorah and the Gospel wrote some of the men to the interests of the rule and thepolicy and the economy of personal and universal, and people were one nation,he sent God's prophets and apostles every one follows it with believers andestablished kingdoms and societies believe in the message ideological sectarianreligious and led by the apostles and their followers, including the modelMedina, Dar al-Hijrah in which the first began the Islamic state led by theProphet Muhammad r, then left after them, which came generations missed prayersand supplication, Islam, and dispersed after multiplying and expanding theKingdom of ideological and overcome the lust and desires of the human demonicand became sponsors of the interests of adultery, prostitution and givenresources to artists, dancers, singers and the countries of prostitutioninfidel , and that we got to Dolidaa rulers Vehau people belonging to a singlecreed, religion and the doctrine of one but the rulers do not allow travelbetween them not to smile Login Alvezolkn envy and love of self and selfishnessare waived for the brothers with the world's Muslims and Arabs, caution and payattention to the pollution of civilization in Islam the Arab countries appearedto be in phenomenon remains of pilgrims in Mecca and Medina from the pilgrimswho came from distant places to perform the Hajj and Umrah, or study in thestudent of religion in Mecca and Medina in Iraq, the same suffering in Najafreligious school where the remains of scholars from the followers of thedoctrine the top of the world and what happened to deport them by the systemSaddam after their Iraqi nationality and residence and the problems of modernstates, while Saddam's regime did the deported foreigners from Asia, such asAfghans, Pakistanis and other people of the Sunni sect, Hosubh man betweenloyalty to the religious affiliation of religious creed and belonging to alineage of family at a time when family members in the twentieth century theera of revolutions, find someone belonging to the secular party and the othersupporters of the monarchy and the other belonging to the current pan-Arab andthe other believes that the affiliation of family and who has the commitment tothought religious reticent upon my fear of killing, displacement and gatheringof families in the formation of the clan as kinship and kinship betweenindividuals is the security and stress on loyalty fraternal and take thisphenomenon Iraqi families example _ find Ani in each of belonging familymembers in order to intercede from receiving his sentence for the rest of thefamily and have the support the state and governance, warranty, and the LordGreat Creator expert said about people with much regret calling it the highestdegree of regret, saying _ Aahsrha on the subjects what comes from messengerbut they did Esthzan _ Al Yassin _ verse 30_ as described by that most of themcreated the non-believers, he said of the Abu prophets a [Rahim when he claimsand boasts all of the religions of Jews, Christians and Muslims to be thegrandmother of prophet of their religion, the separation between them, saying,_ what was Abraham a Jew or a Christian, any Christian, but was a Muslim, ordered him to God upright anydirection worship to God directly None McCann of the infidels, he was abeliever and a prophet has a message of one God, and when he traveled to theland of Canaan, Egypt, Arab and married Hagar with Ms. Sarai for the purpose ofobtaining the child, and be surprised by order Godthat wives pregnant and has birth converged, where Sarai was born Isaac andHagar was born Ismail, and refused to Sarai to live with the Egyptian took herand her son and put her as stated in his prayer in the valley of a non-plantingat the house of God is forbidden in Mecca from Hijaz in the Arabian Peninsulaand asked them well, and is considered the Mecca The first houseestablished for people to kiss for prayer and worship to the Lord, thensuccessive generations and have become the nations of this atomic spread theworld and the conflict between them today because of the difference ideologicaland religious distortion of verses in the previous books of the Torah and theGospel and to prevent the sample disturbs the Muslims a great eye novelsacrifice Ishmael while Jews say that Isaac was the redemption of him and thedifferences many, and the split within theMuslim religion and her infection from the Jews and Christ and became a Muslimtwo religions to follow the book Quran and the Sunnah which is initiatedProphet Muhammad r, and the other followers of the household of ProphetMohammad after the incident of the battle of Karbala and the martyrdom of ImamHussein Bin Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad r and espoused continuedin the approach is different in worship and work to religion and even the wayof governing the country after the experience handed over power in somecountries, Islam depends affiliation ideological basis of brotherhood among theMuslim community any wisdom is the sight of God and the most commitment toreligion is better, regardless of race, descent, national, and after the modernstates after World War I the Kingdom in Iraq, according to the consensus ofpolitical, religious, and yet in 1920 when he blew up the Iraqi revolutionagainst the British occupation was the reason behind the revolution overallfrom north to south, the Arab tribes in the middle of the people of Sunni Arabsand the Middle Euphrates and the south of the followers, The Arab tribalsheikhs authority ordering the clan is committed while the South are waitingfor the signal and the religious edict religious Shiite reference in Najaf,identical interests subscribe to everyone where and when the Britishrecognition of the independence of Iraq, was nominated in each category and thedoctrine of a representative king of Iraq, but the lack of agreement and thenovel Sunni Arabs nominated President of the Arab tribes Sunni Sheikh SalemSultan clans Jabour and Shiite Arabs nominated Prince clans Almentvk in thesouth that killed Bdilabh dagger treachery from the server slave black in ahost home, and this made the British chose the solution coming of King Faisal Iof Hijaz the property of the Iraq compromise and rejected by the Iraqis and theleader Abd al-Karim Qasim, the rank Brigade Corner Iraqi army officer and hisgroup of officers from the Sunni Arabs and Kurds coup in 195 m and named afterthe revolution and declared the Republic of Iraq and successive coups and theAbdul Salam Aav coup against Abdul Karim Qasim and killed him in 1963, and thenAhmed al-Hassan al-Bakr coup fall down in 1968 on Al-Aref, and then turnedSaddam to al-Bakr in 199 AD and receive presidency launched wars against Iranfor Alanha Revolution Islamic religious sectarian Shiite and the project ofexporting the revolution, and then he invaded Kuwait, and come out ofinternational forces in 1991 and then the same forces returned to theoccupation of Iraq in 2003 and was Alsinarioa announcing surrender the sameSinarioa Emperor of Japan in 1945 war First World, but escape the Iraqi army generaland the disappearance of the armed forces and abandon the party of Saddam withhim and left him alone did not work his plan and fled to that he was arrestedand then released the decision of the Iraqi judiciary upon the death sentencewas executed and ended the pages of Almysah to fall of Iraqi victims ofconflict Dinsa sectarian ideological, partisan and ended the interdependence ofnational social and returned people to take refuge under the umbrella ofbelonging family and clan and began to internal and external migration and theimage of demographic change of population today, you see clear every city ofone color and if we are back to the community accumulated in accordance withhis religious beliefs Almzzhbah in areas according to affiliation to thepercentages of family clan remains demand rights for the needs of the pyramidof Maslow's basic security and food only between individuals believe in thesame beliefs and find the opportunity to practice rituals freely and some ofthem prefer to migrate to the outside to distinguish between human beings andthose who were victims of the UNHCR, the United Nations, which Rbtthm files andleave them waiting until today in the Arab neighbors, Jordan and Syria did notgive them the other Arab countries the visa of the stature and seek refuge inthem and have their children the life chances and education and the sufferingcontinues we do not know of intercede for the people of belonging dogmaticreligious Almzzhba or political party intellectual talk or descent, family, seesome Iraqi embassies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a model of state to requesta visa in Saudi Arabia for more than 10 million foreigners working and askedthe diplomatic assistance from the Saudi embassies in Jordan, Syria, ridiculedand rejected as their ancestors mocked the prophets and the apostles and toldthem you did not gratis _ no message of any ancestors conquerors of IraqMuslims from al-Bayt Prophet's Companions and any Mohammadi why our ancestorsstayed Hijaz? , Your ancestors gratis Today we are states, note that thediversity of national languages ​​acquired when the Zionist Jews in Israeltoday as they were coming to Palestine from the countries of the world gatheredto migration, including Iraq in 1949 when he shot down the Iraqi governmentfrom them, and sent aircraft to Anlal Palestine does not mean not that theywere displaced in the world, especially the country Arab Harepetthm when theyhid in Europe, America, especially after the theft of Germany, Caesar went toBritain for granted the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

Iraqi journalist Yas Khudair AL_ Ali
Yas AL_ Ali Center for Media _ the independent press