There was a kid who is called (Ramia) and she was fond of playing with snow. She was waiting for the winter season eagerly. One day, it snowed a lot. Ramia went out to the house park with her little sister. They started to play with it and the wore the suitable clothes. When they finished, Ramia told her sister: What about making a snow white man? Her sister: A very wonderful idea. Then, they started to build up until they finished completely. Ramia and her sister were impressed of what they made. They played and swerved around it joyfully. Few minutes passed and then their mom called them. Mother: it is the lunch time. Come on my kids. They said: ok mom. When they finished their lunch, mom brought to dad and daughters hot chocolate syrup. At the evening, they went to their bedrooms to sleep. In the morning, the whole family woke up and had their breakfast, the father went to his work. Ramia and her sister looked out of the window and she found out that the snow started to melt and the sun began shining. They went to the park and found nothing, it disappeared. The expected that it was kidnapped. They came back home and cried a lot. Their mother asked them: Why are you crying my kids? They said: The snow white man that we made had kidnapped. Their mama started to laugh and said: Oh my kids! It melt because the sun began shining. The said: Aha! now we knew the reason behind the disappearance of the snow white man. They entered the house happily

Translated by:

Rama Al-Khass