Have You Gotten Too Comfortable?

Dear Friend ,

"When we die and go to Heaven, God is not going to say, ''Why didn't you discover the cure for such and such?'' The only thing we're going to be asked at that precious moment is ''Why didn't you become you?''
~ Anonymous

All those efforts you made in the past have gotten you very comfortable. Are you afraid to disrupt your comfort to achieve even bigger dreams? Are you reluctant to climb out from under your warm blanket for fear things won't work out, or that there will be too much work to do?
To feel satisfied in life, you've got to continue to Be the Change. Please consider leaving your blanket to create a new comfort zone this year.

Being uncomfortable takes courage; taking some risks; feeling discomfort, and lastly, it means you'll have to do some hard work. Ask yourself this question: "I wonder what it would take to keep me on track for a solid year with just one Be the Change idea?"

It would take conviction, perseverance, a great plan, and a support team who would remind you to stay accountable to your own desires.

Choose just one Big Dream Idea. Picture yourself in December of 2010. You are looking back over your year. You are feeling proud of your main accomplishment this year. What is it? Write it down.

Love your dream. It's going to take strong conviction to take the steps you'll need this year to accomplish your dream, so begin by absolutely loving the dream you chose to bring forth. Hug it mentally to yourself and cherish both it and you for dreaming it up.

Decide to Persevere. Create reminders for yourself to stay on the path. Write memos on your Daily Calendar. Send reminder letters to yourself throughout the year. Put a reminder on index cards where you are most likely to see them to help you with perseverance.

Create A Great Plan. Write about "how the story ends" next December. You have twelve chunks of time in which to do twelve things. What will you do in January? February? Write down the steps to get you to a happy ending next December.

Choose a Support Team. Select someone who is objective while they love and support you. Find someone who will not agree with your excuses for why you aren't working your plan. They'll remind you about your resolutions. Do you need to meet weekly? Put the meetings in your Daily Planner. Resolve not to miss them. Keep a journal of your forward progress so you can share them with the Team. Write down future ideas so that they can help you expand them.

Celebrate Your Successes. Have an Approval Party every time you take a small step. It can be a special coffee, or you can put money into your Celebrate Success Jar for something special at the end. Take your Support Team out for lunch. Recognize, acknowledge and celebrate all of your steps.

Regroup Regularly. Rethink your plan quarterly. What's working? What isn't? Where could you take more action? Are the right people on your Support Team? Is your passion still strong? How can you right that?

Get out from under that warm blanket of comfortableness in order to grow and feel satisfied with your life. Are you out? Are you willing to have a grand new year of Being the Change? Please let me know how I can help you stay on track.

"The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn't take"
~ Anonymous

