Dear Friend ,

Turning Your Problems Into
Powerful Potential

"The things which hurt, instruct." ~ Benjamin Franklin

I have observed that very single human being has problems of one sort or another. There's no escaping that obvious fact. I think that what makes us different is how we respond to those problems.

My question for you would be: Do you see yourself as a victim, helpless and unable to help yourself? Do you grow angry, become impatient, or dive deeply down into a mood of depression? Have you attached yourself to some unreal concept of how it's supposed to be and instead of working with the problem to solve it, you run away from it? Well, you're not alone.

Many of us know the story of the man who, caught in a flood, prayed to God for deliverance and then refused to get on the helicopter or get in to the rowboat that God had sent. Our problems are like that rowboat and helicopter: they are the very ingredients we need to address our beliefs and fears and bring ourselves up higher on the scale of consciousness.

I don't think we give enough recognition to the fact that we are mental beings and when we get off the track of moving forward in our spiritual progress, this creates impediments to show us we are off track and to point out precisely which area in our minds needs to be corrected to return us to our natural state of harmony. I've worked to refine these off-track beliefs, and I think you can too, so that we bring ourselves up on the scale of consciousness and spirituality. We can do this either consciously because we choose to, or we can wait until our out-of-date belief rocks trip us up, bruise us, and get our complete attention so that maybe now we'll make the necessary corrections that will bring us up higher in being. It's truly a very effective system.

Can you see that our problems are truly a gift and a blessing from the universe? Do you remember being in school and getting a failing grade in one subject? That's the subject you worked hardest on the following semester, right? Problems are like that: they focus our attention, and then we focus on the fix with still greater attention.

If you made a list today of all the areas in your life that are uncomfortable at a minimum, or obviously painful, I would encourage you to then:

work to become conscious of the fears and beliefs tucked into those problems,
work intentionally to elevate those ideas to a higher level of truth,
and meet the new you who is powerful enough to self-correct!

I can see that our recessionary times are yet another gift to nudge your mentality into a higher purpose. Here are nine tips that are tools for you so that you can foster more positive thoughts in your life where things are now somewhat negative. I use these tips daily.

1. Use Positive Words. Try to see the glass half full.
2. View Problems as Opportunities. Make something wonderful from the ingredients you've been given.
3. Be Flexible. If one thing doesn't work, try the next thing, and the next one after that.
4. Look For The Humor In Problems. If you can joke about your situation, it will be easier to find the fix for it.
5. Get Plenty Of Rest. When you're tired, problems look much bigger than they are.
6. Be Sure to Exercise. Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins can help you recognize a solution to your problems.
7. Take The Long View. Ask yourself how important this will appear to you in a year from today?
8. Praise Yourself. You might be struggling with one issue, but how many others have you already solved? How many other things are you good at?
9. Be Of Service To Others. You can't be down emotionally and help others at the same time

"In school, you get the lesson and then take the test. In life, you take the test and then get the lesson." ~ Unknown Source

