Becoming An Extraordinary You

Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul.
~ Flavia

If you want to become an extraordinary "you," you'll need a solid foundation of understanding the basics of what life is all about. Put yourself out there first. Don't care what anyone else thinks; just become a unique you unlike any other. Understand you better than anyone else does. Make improvements on who you are every single day. Know your strengths while keeping in mind that 'humility is truth.'
It's wonderful to have hope operational as long as you know hope is about expectation and not wishing. Expect real results. Turn a deaf ear on naysayers. Celebrate your small steps down the long road. There's a pot of gold at the end. Stop on your path whenever you become aware of someone behind you and offer them a helping hand. Promise this day to never complain again but to search for workable solutions.
The One, Grand, Wonderful You is a unique, rare, precious piece of consciousness. You are unfolding a new, bright sense of your Self with every book you read, every article you digest, every other individual you listen to, every experience you have under your belt. Most importantly, you listen to you. You are limitless potential in the process of becoming more.
Your ceaseless activities are how you put into use everything you are learning about your One, Grand, Wonderful Self. Musicians practice their instruments numberless hours a day with a sense of both hard work and joy intertwined. This is how you live your life: numberless hours a day with a sense of both hard work and joy intertwined on your path to health, wealth, success and happiness.
There will always be those behind you on the path who will throw rocks. It's actually quite a compliment. They don't throw rocks at those behind them, only those in front who are hacking a fresh path out of the jungle. Be thrilled that you are in front. Way-showers like you are in great demand.
While you polish your shoes, or present a new approach at work, or cradle your baby, or enjoy a fine Cabernet, remember that you are simultaneously unfolding the wisdom about your Self and about Life that experience affords, and that you grow in self-knowledge and understanding as well.
It doesn't matter what others see in you because you understand the virtue behind being Self-centered. But they'll be noticing what you do, how you carry yourself, the way you perform, and the success you enjoy. They'll know you place the same value you have in your Self in others because you understand equality, generosity, acceptance, the value of hard work, and love. Living your life well is a gift - an example for others to see and imitate.
You know without the shadow of a doubt that if you act now like the You that you want to become, you're well along the way. You embrace your Individual Uniqueness. You know the special gifts, strengths and talents you have to share. You strengthen them simultaneously as you do your job. You know your One Big Dream and you chip away at its accomplishment daily. You are becoming an extraordinary you.

Lighten Up Your Heart with Humor

A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly. The soldier would pick up any piece of paper he found, frown and say: "That's not it" and put it down again. This went on for some time, until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested.
The psychologist concluded that the soldier was deranged, and wrote out his discharge from the army.
The soldier picked it up, smiled and said: "That's it."


Soufra Daimeh

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