"أنّا" مدبرة المنزل..
دخلت المنزل وهي تحمل محفظتها الصغيرة جدا ..
وصورة ابنها في جيبها تخرجها من الحين للحين كلما أنهت عمل ما...
تستخدم مساحات ذاكرتها كي تكتب له شيئا بسيطا في دفترها الصغير... لم يرسل بعد .
ركض أحمد لأنّا قائلا:
-أريد كأس ماء...
-حادر يا أهمد..
كانت "أنّا " من أندونيسية, لذا فلغتها العربية متواضعة جدا , ولاتقارن بحرصها على صلاتها وقراءتها للقرآن...
صرخ أحمد بعنف لما تأخرت في تلبية طلبه:
-ياخادمتنا "أنّا " لماذا تأخرت في إحضار كأس الماء؟
هرعت الأم من سريرها متعبة بعد خروجها من عملية جراحية صعبة ألزمتها الفراش:

-هي ليست خادمة , إنها مدبرة منزل..كلنا في هم الدنيا سواء لكن لكل ظروفه..اذهب واجلب لنفسك كأس الماء..فلديها عمل أهم...
نظر أحمد لأمه..ولأنا..فرآهما كلتاهما أماً بطريقة مختلفة...
جلب لكلتيهما باقة من الزهور..وسط دموع أنّا...وقبلاتها..
ريمه الخاني 21-3-2012
Anna the housekeeperAnna the housekeeper
She entered the house as she was holding her very small pocket that has her son's photo .She takes a look at it from time to time after she finishes her work. She tries hardly to remember some words to write something to her son on a small notebook. However, he didn't send back yet. One day, Ahmed ran to Anna as he said: '' give me a cap of water''. She said in broken accent '' i will Ahmed''. Anna was from Indonesia, so she slightly could speak the language otherwise she cares a lot of doing her prayers and reading Quran. Ahmed yelled because she was late to bring him the cap.'' Why our maid is late to do so?’’ The mother got up from he bed tired after a hard surgery made her stay in bed for a while and said ''She is not a maid. She is a housekeeper. We all are equal and everyone have their own issues to deal with. Go get a cap of water by yourself. She has more important work to do''. Ahmed looked at his mother then looked at Anna. He saw him both of them are mothers, each one in different way. He brought them both flowers as Anna kissed him with tears down.
Translated by Sarah al Hakim
Original text written by Rimah al Khani