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الموضوع: Music

  1. #1



    Music is a magic word, a set of letters; each letter is music by itself: M = Melody, U = Unison, I = Intonation, S = Songs and C is a carol. Music is a magic lantern; as soon as one rubs it, it will transport one to lovely fairy land dressed in ornamented green, laced with thin and soft vapour and wrapped in peace, where one goes wandering in no time and nowhere as free as a deer in the forest, dancing delightfully and happily as the butterflies do on the perfumed flowers and roses, fascinated and excited, getting smoothly what one has longed for and doing what one has wished in one’s life. So music feeds the imagination, but at the same time, it feeds hope and eliminates fear and despair; it is a conditioner to hard, dry life and the dew to blossoms.

    Music, as it is so pleasant to our soul, we should owe such pleasure to the musicians who competed and will compete in playing the chords to make the most attractive sounds flow through the ears to cure the unhappy soul and the sick body. It is in one word the balsam that our souls need in such a complicated world.

    Music is our feeling translated into sounds, happy or sad. Therefore, it deeply affects us whenever we listen to it, though this depends on the pieces of music itself, the situation and our reaction. The pictorial music supports the scene, but the pictures accompanied by music will have effects on any of the strong feelings of human spirit: love, hate, fear, anger, grief, etc.

    Therefore, when one listens to the same piece of music again, one can recall the scene and feels pleased having understood the emotions translated by the composer into the sound of music. The composer is a genius sensitive and comprehensive artist; his fingers play the musical instrument and the music in turn plays the chords of heart and the listener will hear the greatest symphony. Now let’s listen, it is the “Blue Danup”, that’s coming smoothly from the recorder. I wish at the moment I were a painter to express my beautiful impression out of the most marvelous work of art painted on a piece of canvas.

    Written by sana Al-khani

  2. #2

    رد: Music

    Music of the indispensable and most important thing is we are preparing false consensus fancy Vetodi us to perish, as we see and hear even the Islamic prayer composer, why not?
    Greet you and thank


    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    ( ليس عليك أن يقنع الناس برأيك ،، لكن عليك أن تقول للناس ما تعتقد أنه حق )

    يارب: إذا اعطيتني قوة فلاتأخذ عقلي
    وإذا أعطيتني مالا فلا تأخذ سعادتي
    وإذا أعطيتني جاها فلا تأخذ تواضعي
    لم يكن لقطعة الفأس أن تنال شيئا ً من جذع الشجرة ِ لولا أن غصنا ً منها تبرع أن يكون مقبضا ً للفأس .

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. Don't Die With Your Music
    بواسطة mariakhalife في المنتدى foreign languages.
    مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 04-12-2010, 10:52 PM

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