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الموضوع: History of Family AL Khani

  1. #1

    History of Family AL Khani

    Dear cousin Oum Firas Rima AL Khani,

    As-salamou Alaikoum,

    I am your cousin Dr. Ammar AL Khani son of Nizar AL Khani son of Sheikh
    Aziz AL Khani...!

    First of all, I would like to felicite you fofr your web site, it is a real
    big gate of culture and social events.

    Of course, I have some remarks over the design of the site, but they are

    However, one important remark that I have to make over one article that you
    wrote regarding the History of our Family, Family AL Khani:

    I understand that you are willing to go back in history to the main root of
    our family, and it is not easy!

    In fact, Our family is of mixed Kurd, Turk and Arab origin!

    The fact that our Direct documented great grand father is the Wali of Teflis
    - Tiblisi, the capital of present state of Georgia- and his brother is The
    great Kurd Poet "Ahmad AL Khani " who lived in the 17th century and the
    author of

    "Mem and Zein" romantic poem similar to Romeo and Juliette.

    In addition to that The family name "AL Khani" meaning in Turk language
    "Khan or Khakkan" meaning "Prince" in English or "Wali" in Arabic and is not
    Khan meaning hotel in Persian language.

    Moreover, The full family name is AL Khani AL Khaledi AL Nakeshbandi Al

    The family came to Syria to Aleppo by order of Sultan in 18th Century, and
    were given farm land near Idlib -in Khan Sheikhoun- Meaning the hotel of
    sheikhs, because one of our grand fathers has established the "Sofi Tarika
    -way- of Alnakeshbandiah, and was teaching it in mosques in Turkey and

    - My grand father Sheikh Aziz AL Khani was Mufti of Aleppo and has
    seven brothers: Two brothers went to Istanboul were their families are
    living till now and five brothers remained in Syria, they went to Hama and
    Damascus in 19th century. They Have a very big family house in old city of

    - My grand father Sheikh Aziz AL Khani came to Damascus when he was
    appointed the position of Mufti Of Syria.

    - My Father Nizar AL Khani is the only remaining living son of
    Sheikh Aziz AL Khani.

    - My Uncles are "AL marhoumeen: Shoukri, Fareed and Bashir: They
    have a lot of children and grand children

    - My Antes are "AL marhoumeen: Ni'mat, Moufidah and Fatimah: Only
    Moufidah has children and grand children.

    Best regards,

    Your cousin Ammar,

    Doctor engineer, chemical engineering

    Helsinki, Finland

  2. #2

    رد: History of Family AL Khani

    Thank you very much and will be issued soon a book about root by Cousin Masen Khani
    Shows continuese from the tribe Khuzaymah and exclusively Khalid Bin Al Waleed
    This is reflected in expert Genealogy
    Othman Al Ghafar after a meeting with our family is always waiting for you

    شكرا جزيل الشكر وقريبا سيصدر كتاب عن جذورعائلتنا من طرف ابن العم مازن الخاني
    يبين اصلنا من قبيلة خزيمة وحصرا خالد بن الوليد
    وقد بين ذلك خبير الانساب
    عثمان ال غفار بعد اجتماعه مع عائلتنا ننتظرك دوما
    اهلا بك بيننا

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    ( ليس عليك أن يقنع الناس برأيك ،، لكن عليك أن تقول للناس ما تعتقد أنه حق )

    يارب: إذا اعطيتني قوة فلاتأخذ عقلي
    وإذا أعطيتني مالا فلا تأخذ سعادتي
    وإذا أعطيتني جاها فلا تأخذ تواضعي
    لم يكن لقطعة الفأس أن تنال شيئا ً من جذع الشجرة ِ لولا أن غصنا ً منها تبرع أن يكون مقبضا ً للفأس .

  3. #3

    رد: History of Family AL Khani

    اهلا با بن العم العزيز
    في زمننا لم يعد امرا صميميا البحث عن الجذور بقدر حال يومنا ومستقبلنا....
    تحيتي لك
    ام فر اس:

    3- الخبير بالأنساب يقال له genealogist فلا داعي لذكر expert ويمكن استخدام العبارة التالية:
    ........According to the information we got to know via the genealogist

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