Fighting is about who stands last.. let's settle this!
Fighting is about who stands last.. let's settle this!
The fool didn't know it was impossible, so he did it
Yo Emmil Khair, I'm single and you need to be amazing to change that
Pareto Principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
Date a car guy,
We break parts not hearts
I'm not sure if people have become less interesting, or if I'm just less interested in people
when you are not sure, flip a coin. While the coin in the air you realize which one you are actually hoping for
Animals never worry about heaven or hell, how lucky are they.
If stress burned calories, I'd be a supermodel 😌
لما اليونيسكو تقر بعضوية فلسطين و انو اسرائيل و اليهود ما الهن اي صلة ثقافية او دينية بالمسجد الأقصى و حائط البراق و يهود العالم ضايجة من هالحكي و وقفت دعمها المادي لليونيسكو .. هل عهد الاستيلاء اليهودي على اقتصاد العالمي و العولمة في أيامه الأخيرة؟ ولا نوبة ضوجان و بتعدي ؟
That breath you just took .. feel it,
What a blessing that is you got that breath .. that means you still got something inside you got to work for, you got to contribute for, you got to give for, you got to love for ... and now you just got to earn that blessing