اضطررنا لحذف الموضوع التالي بسبب عطل برمجي وإليكم ما فاتكم:
نص الترجمة النهائي:
سارة الحكيم:
The Snow White Man- Sarah al Hakim's translation

Once up on time , there was a child is called Ramia . She loves to play with snow that she can't wait until winter to come. One day , it snowed a lot , and Ramia came out with her sister and they started playing together with snow as they wore the proper cloth .When they finished playing with it , Ramia said to her sister '' What do you thinking of making a fantastic snow man?''. '' Good idea! '' her sister answered .They started making it until it is complete. Ramia and her sister were impressed of what they made that they were playing and twirls around it with delight .Minutes passed as their mother called them. ''What is it mom?'' they answered . '' It is lunch time! , come on in my little kids!''.'' ok! '' they replied .After the lunch , the mother served to the father and the two children delicious hot chocolate drinks and they had good time. When the night settled , the mother , the father and the two children went to bed and had good dreams .The dawn broke , the family woke up in the morning and it is time for breakfast .After that ,the father went to his work .Ramia and her sister looked throw the window as they noticed the snow is melting and the sun is rising. '' What happened to the snow man?'' they wondered .They ran out to the park but they found nothing! It disappeared!
The two sisters expected nothing than the snow man has been taken away .They went back home crying . ''What's wrong my sweeties ? ''the mother asked. '' The snow man we made yesterday has been taken away !''they answered.
The mother laughed and said '' The snow man has melted because the sun brightened ''.''Oh! Now we know the reason of missing the snow man!'' the two children replied .The two children and the mother went into the house after that with pleasure.

thanks for your translation but:
نحن نعرف جيداً أنه عندما نستخدم علامات الترقيم فهناك قواعد: مثال على ذلك عندما نضع الفاصلة أو النقطة بعد نهاية الجملة فإننا نضغط على فراغ ثم نبدأ بالجملة التالية.ونعرف أن Afterهي رابط بين جملتين مستقريتين. فلا يجب أن نضع After وبعدها جملة وبعدها ننهيها.. عليك أن تضعي فاصلة وتكملي الشطر الثاني كما في قواعد اللغة الإنكليزية:

After that the father went to his work.Ramia and her sister looked throw the window as they noticed the snow is melting and the sun is rising.

مع تحياتي,

سارة الحكيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
نعم هذا صحيح و هذا خطأ طباعي او نسيان ، أقدر لك هذا الانتباه ^_^ تحياتي. تم التصحيح.