Dear Friend ,

"Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once

accepted in spite of your changing moods." ~ C. S. Lewis

Moods are frequently blamed for our lack of action. I know you've both heard and said "I don't feel like it." That's a generic and evasive saying that can have many other meanings. You might mean "I don't want to hang out with you." or "I'm tired." or "I'm afraid I can't do well what you want me to do." It might be an interesting activity to watch yourself say "I don't feel like it" and then make of list of what you really mean when you use this excuse as a reason to do nothing.

Your moods are just a collection of your feelings that you've indulged habitually. The nice thing about knowing your mood is just a feeling is this: feelings follow thoughts, so if you can govern your thoughts, you can also govern the subsequent feelings. You can consciously choose to think "Each time I slide into old moods, nothing happens; so when I feel that old mood coming on, I'm going to take the opposite stand and get moving!" Once you're in action, the old mood fades away in a wisp of smoke.

Remember the law that said basically:

Mind's desire leads to action (thinking) and action leads to results.

Once you get physically active, your mind will dwell on the end result rather than dwelling on your old "I don't feel like it" mood. You will find yourself looking forward to some successful outcome. I know there are really times when you truly "don't feel like it." This may be because you are tired from a long day's work. Being tired is a different situation than hiding behind those words through fear or procrastination. As I said, those words have many meanings.

The "I" of you prefers to be taking steps forward though, so give yourself permission to become active despite your moods and feelings. You can make an agreement with yourself that every time you hear yourself saying "I don't feel like it" you'll get into action instead.

Just take one step. By the time you've taken your first step, your mood will generally change, and then you'll be able to take the next step and the one after that. You'll be able to see the end result of your actions and "I don't feel like it" will have become an excuse of the past. You'll be more focused on your success rather than on that old saying.

"I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild; when it is quiet and serene; when it is dark and moody. And in all its moods, I see myself." ~ Martin Buxbaum

