“Popular campaign to resist the security belt direct the compass towards the occupation”
In last Wednesday 28/04/2010, Mr. Walid Alawad wrote saying the first martyr of the people’s campaign for resist the security belt, a young man named ahmed salem was shot dead by Israeli Soldiers in the east of Shijaia district in Gaza city where a sniper for the occupying power kill him by a fatally shot for the martyr intending to kill him with premeditation.
Which requires the international community and all humanitarian organizations to the establishment of an international commission of inquiry to investigate the circumstances of the crime, which this campaign launched more than a month to resist the security belt east and north of the After it transformed into a fait accompli which it will folding by time and the Israeli government had imposed its control on the agricultural Gaza strip and prohibit owners from its lands and benefit from its crops which say to the world in the same time they came out of the sector, but the reality of this belt and blockade makes his the allegations null and void in all concepts, from that came the idea of launching the popular campaign of resistance to the belt To Reminiscent all minds of local and international to this fact “the Gaza strip is still under occupation and its inhabitants suffer from an unjust blockade which was heavier day after day”.
The campaign organizers said, they choose a style of popular resistance to expose the false claims of the Tel AVIV government. Anyone has follow-up this campaign he will note the popular participation under the Palestine banner in the campaign are expanding increasingly day after day and the participation for grass-roots in Growing, and this A clear indication that the conflict and occupation make a uniting to energies of the Palestinian people. and restores the broadcast fighting spirit in them after the split and worn down sick by injustice blockade, and against this growing role of the popular resistance We note the occupation soldiers their tension and deep Hatred are increasing in although they positioned in their military posts and mechanisms since a period they has started launched of live bullets on against unarmed civilians, injuring many of them by various wounds and the man cited.
The bloody occupation has aimed to thwart and pre-empt this campaign because that refutes Israeli allegations about withdraw from the Gaza strip, to put matters in the right place that Gaza is still under occupation and suffer the scourge as in all the Palestinian territories which are an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories, it must Israeli withdrawal full of them and it also confirm once again to the correct place to the sector within the framework of the Palestinian national project, Despite the presence of the separation fence and bared wire and the repercussions of the painful division, without any doubt, the re-routing of the compass towards the occupation which was as a face of real conflict after the deviation of compass by a painful division for the Palestinian body which is tearing and Exhausting its ability to cope with risks and challenges.
Wrot by walid al awad the member of the Political bureau of the Palestinian people’s.