Does Your Past Repeat Itself?

Dear Friend ,

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Does your past really repeat itself or could something else be going on? If we look backwards into world history, we might see certain trends repeating themselves. If we examine these trends, we would see many, many individual differences.

What makes differences inside the trends? We human beings - thinkers all - try to categorize everything we see, hear, smell, touch and taste. It's these big buckets called "trends" we create in our mental databases that many of us share in common with others.

But on an individual basis, our thinking is uniquely and individually different, and because what we think causes what we get, the way that we think individually creates little differences inside the so-called trends. What this ultimately means is this:

Your Past Does Not Equal Your Future.

That's right! You are free to think whatever you'd like to think. This is one area where no one can interfere with what you choose to do. You are the captain of your ship; the arbiter of your fate. The only way you will ever repeat a past experience in the future is if you are currently thinking the same thing. It would be impossible for something to happen to you that you did not think because of this simple Law:

Life works from inside your mind, out into your experience.

Do you remember learning that folks once thought the world was flat? Imagine the courage it took sailors to sail "to the edge" in fear they'd fall off! And imagine how many minds had to be changed to think that the world was round. Now that we are all thinking that the world is round, sailors no longer experience fear. This is one great example proving our past does not equal our future because the thinking got changed.

Our minds have two databases: beliefs and facts. The beliefs and the facts both have an appearance in our experience but with one enormous difference:

The appearance of the beliefs isn't real.
The appearance of the facts is real.

If we see an event repeating itself, we can stop the repeating and change from something that isn't real to something that is real. Here's an example: If you are habitually late to work, events, meetings etc., you would be manifesting something that is not real. You can change your mind from "I'm always late" to "I'm always on time" and then you will enjoy the appearance of a bettered reality.

I encourage you to give up on that concept that "History repeats itself." This can be self-limiting. You can expand your awareness to discover the ideas that have kept you locked in place, repeating your mistakes, and feeling dissatisfied. As you discover how you've been habitually thinking the same old thing, and thus experiencing the same old thing, you'll put new thoughts into place and prove to yourself that history does not repeat itself.....unless you do.

If you've had troubled relationships, difficulties with your career, shortages in your finances - any area of dissatisfaction - look closely at what you've been subconsciously believed true and real about them, and put into place some fresh new ideas that will provide a brand new, improved experience. I celebrate the successes I know you are going to experience.

"Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by heart and his friends can only read the title."
~ Virginia Woolf

