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الموضوع: Be The Change Newsletter

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  1. #1

    Be The Change Newsletter

    Dear Friend ,

    We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. ~ Anton Chekov

    January is the month we have arbitrarily chosen to begin again. Hopefully, we can put a new twist on them by using mind power to promote I Am Peace and I am Power. Here at Change Coaching Institute, we have re-designed our ezines and reformatted the materials we are sending out to you each week to keep things fresh! We believe in practicing what we preach.

    Last week, I encouraged you to Dream Big for Peace - to make your thoughts, words and actions all sync with the highest concepts of peace you know about, so that we as individuals understand that we are empowered one person at a time to implement change in ourselves and in our region.

    Using mind power to do the kind of creative thinking I'm encouraging you to do is one of its most useful, most practical tasks. Here are some ideas you can think about yourself and our nation as you move into this wonderful new opportunity called 2011.
    I am Peace when I dream whatever I want to dream; be whatever I want to be because this is my one and only life - my one and only chance to be and do whatever I choose.
    I am Peace when I love you even when you don't deserve to be loved.
    I am Peace when I continue to start over and never give up.
    I am Peace when I make myself someone who can be loved.
    I am Peace when I listen attentively to children and adults who speak to me.
    I am Peace when I recognize that love has many, many ways in which it manifests itself.
    I am Peace when my actions deserve Trust, whether it comes back to me or not.
    I am Peace when I try to learn something new every day to satisfy myself and not count on others to do that.
    I am Peace when I don't compare myself to others, only to my own last, best efforts.
    I am Peace when I take some action; any action is better than doing nothing.
    The magnificence of mind power is intrinsic. If you can say to yourself "I am Power" you have kick-started the Cause Engine that is your mind. It's sitting there idling waiting for you to put it into gear this New Year and tell it where you want it to take you.

    If you want peace, stop fighting. If you want peace of mind, stop fighting with your thoughts. ~ Peter McWilliams

    Warmest regards,

  2. #2

    رد: Be The Change Newsletter

    Dear Friend ,
    Just do it! ~ Nike Commercial

    I've offered you dozens and dozens of ideas throughout the month of January so that you could make a plan for 2011 to accomplish Being the Changethis year. I'd love for you to become healthier, wealthier, happier and more successful in 2011 that you were in any preceding year. Planning for change is the first step.

    But in case you're one of those people who think that just reading articles is a way to make change, here's yet another approach to help you achieve success this year.

    Get a Pen, Pencil and Make a New Plan, Stan!

    Dreaming big is just wishful thinking if you don't have some practical way to make it happen. Write down a list of the months of the year. Begin in December, 2011. What would you like to have accomplished by then? Now, work backwards through every month and write down what actions you will have to take, step-by-step, to make that December goal come into fruition!

    Don't Wait! Start Right Now!

    Today is the only day you will have to make a plan and start implementing it. You will want to enlist all your desires into strong motivation to carry you through the rest of the year, and you cannot do that unless you begin. If you really want to Be the Change this year, Begin!

    Get All the Help You Can.

    There are places on the internet that will help you create a plan and then persevere with it. Join a group that supports what you want to accomplish. Attend with regularity. Make new friends you know will support you. Re-read your goals when you brush your teeth each day from the list hanging beside your mirror.

    Prepare to Persevere, Begin Again, Last for a Year.

    Rome wasn't built in a day or even a year. You will set your resolutions today, but then you have to take the thousand and one steps to make them happen. Today is just a humble beginning to Your Big Dream. Develop some way to touch this plan every day. Re-new your intent every day to take just one small step toward its accomplishment. Re-read your plan over morning coffee or right before you get into bed at night, applaud this day's successes. You've got 365 days to make this happen.

    Planning for Change Doesn't Always Go Smoothly.

    Life has a funny (often hilarious!) way of throwing curve balls at you, so you've got to become philosophical enough to realize that "Oh, it's just a curve ball. Well, this pup is not going to push me off my path!" and then keep right on keeping on. Stop once a month to re-assess your successes that month and create a list of rewards for their completion.

    Is that list written down yet? Make a plan!

    Warmest regards,

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