أتيت إليكِ ..

خطواتى ..


و كل الكون يسمع

صوت أناتى

بكى قلبى ..

على شوقى

لرؤياك ِ

يكاد الشوق يحرقنى

يمزقنى ..


و أنت هنا


ونبض القلب يهواكِ

فهمسك عمرى الباقى

و أنت جنون أشواقى

و بي شغف


فأنت جميع أوقاتى ..

و ماضي العمر والأتى ..

فرحماك بدمعاتى

ولهفة قلبى الباكى

أتيت إليكِ يا ذاتي

أسابق فيك خطواتي

I came to you

Ibrahim Khalil Ibrahim

Translated by: Munir Mezyed

I came to you…
My steps
Were chasing me
And the entire world hears
The sound of my sighs
My heart cried
Over my longing
To see you
My longing was about to burn me
To tear me apart
For your eyes
You are here
In my veins
The beat of the heart fancies you
Your whispers are my remaining days
And you are the madness of my longings
Within me a passion
To meet you
You are all my times
The past and the future
Be merciful to my tears
To the anxious of my crying heart
I came to you, my soul
Chasing my steps