Do You Think of Yourself As Powerful?
Do you cherish the idea and hold it fast to your heart that you are powerful?
Your power IS inside you and wants to come out and flex its muscles.
Your power is a form of conviction about the degree of rightness from which you operate in your life.
Your power is an indicator of who you know yourself to be....or not.
Take Action Now
Think of one small area in your life where you feel weak. Using your power can change that weakness to strength. Can you decide to do the exact opposite of what you normally do in this one small area? Can you find someone trustworthy to support you through this change? If you can change this one small area, you can change them all.
"We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. It is a powerful obstacle to growth. It assures the progressive narrowing of the personality and prevents exploration and experimentation. There is no learning without some difficulty and fumbling." ~ John W. Gardner
My Life Is My Message is brought to you by Maria Khalifé of Change Coaching Institute.
I invite you to Be the Change in your own life every chance you can see to take. I hope these inspirational messages help you to achieve the best life you can create.