Dear Friend ,

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother."

~ Kahlil Gibran

I believe that each of us is called to enjoy life fully. I believe that health, wealth, success, happiness and joy are our natural, born-with inheritance. We have formed mental databases, and what's in them unwittingly drags things along that retard our progress.

Self-improvement, refinement, or as I like to think of it - re-fine-ment - to make fine again that which was fine in the beginning so that the light can shine on those ideas and you can walk in the light as you work on your own process of self-improvement.

The more clearly you can see what is inside your mind, the you will become more free to tell yourself more truth, and that truth will set you free. You can open yourself up to let go of old, outwork ideas, freshen up your databases and move into the realm of health, wealth, success, happiness and joy that are yours intrinsically. You will be amazed and your amazement will lead to greater joy and the success you so deserve.

To express this fullness, one of the first things to go is the concept of Self-Doubt. It supposes that you are less-than-perfect; that you are flawed. It's a mistake and one that can be easily fixed so that your home life and your work life will both leap forward.

Gibran suggests that the other side of doubt is faith, and it's true. Another way to look at it is moving from doubt to sureness. We have to have some mechanism in place to move from one side to another. Here are some tips to get past self doubt:

1. What's the worst thing that can happen here? Even if you try and you fail miserably and your face is in the dirt, when you stand up, you'll be one full body length ahead! A win! If you fall face down often enough, and you stand up one body length ahead enough, you'll begin to change your sense from "I doubt I can" to "What the heck! I always get up ahead" and you'll destroy self doubt.

2. Give yourself a pep talk. I mean, come on. If others have succeeded, you're no different than they are. Be like a soccer coach and push yourself to that goal line. You can when you think you can. Occasional force is okay when it's you talking to you.

3. If you recognize success, it's inside you. When you see another successful person, how do you know they are successful? You go inside yourself and you check on your standards for success in there. You couldn't recognize success unless you were success.

4. Fear needs to be pushed aside. Fear thoughts don't tell the truth. Don't listen to them. They don't know what you're capable of, but you do. Listen to your encouraging thoughts, and as Nike suggests, "Just do it!"

Mini steps are permitted and applauded. You are the one holding the vision within and it deserves to see the light of day.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." ~ Lao Tsu

