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الموضوع: Translation - 5th question.

  1. #1
    مشرفة قسم اللغة الغربية
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2008

    Translation - 5th question.

    He sat in front of TV in boredom, he light his cigarette and he put it on a wooden tablet that is on a worn carpet. He started to change channels sometimes and going through his phone’s messages in other as his eyes settled on a message from his old friend Asim.
    -‘’May God forgive you .Didn’t we agree about immigrating together? I have waited you in the airport for long time .It seems your hesitation defeated you for the thousand time .I will message you when I arrive under God command.’’
    He smiled in soreness and regret. The mobile network coverage‘s sign has referred to the middle as he knew it will disappear –like his dreams – if he doesn’t move from his seat.
    TV channels pushes through songs out load sometimes or warning for wars in other with every movement of his finger on the remote control that is in his hand.
    He always used to make fun of the channels that holds contest and screams with the numbers on the screen as he always believed that the luck won’t come to him at all.
    However, he still believe that Hajji Metwally will knock his door after three days to take one of each things , the money of renting the flat or his soul!
    Then , he decided in time of hesitation to try his luck .He pressed 10 numbers that shows up on the screen with a sentence above it ‘’ Price of one hundred thousand Dinar’’.
    It was followed with long ringing and a voice that tells him he exceeded the step of hesitation and there is no way to back off now.
    He thought for moments to close the phone and to be sufficed with regret for what he did and he will pay for his rare courage by his own as he learned the hard lesson .However , he heard the voice telling him to press the number one to hear the five questions as he did so.
    -‘’Question number one: Who is the leader that had victor ….?’’
    Life taught him that wining differs in ratting from field to another. He can remember his last achievement , that certification that are pine up on the wall for ten years that tells him he became an engineer with rank of sublime .He was happy to press the number of the write answer with full confidence .
    -‘’Question number two: Who is the narrator who wrote …?’’
    Isolated, the proper word that describes his life in this public area that made him spend much time on reading stories and novels to be away from the reality that blockade him in hard way and taking away his dreams out one before the other .As well as he used to act like the characters in the story and that helped him to breathe for longer , widen his smile and pressing the number for proper answer for second time.
    -‘’Question number three: How much time does a man need to go up ...?’’
    He ignored his emotions toward OmAlaa that lives in third floor. He had to ignore it because he is poor and he had to stay in silence every time he pass her floor going up to his flat that is last one.
    He felt unsure about the proper button to press to answer the question this time.
    -‘’Question number four : What makes more noises…?’’
    The shouts of the seller in this area had become routine he got used to every morning. Every time the weather becomes hotter, the attention to shout increases .His forehead is sweating now. It drops on his eyes , then to his hand. His hand almost was going to slip for moment but he pressed the button of proper answer this time strongly.
    -‘’Question number five: Who had fought sacrificed his life for…?’’
    The knocks on his door was increasing harshly as the shouts of OmAlaa and Haji Metwally behind the door was becoming louder and louder. ’Open the door! The flat is burning out!’’
    He was going to go unconscious when he heard the voice saying ‘’ you have 1 minute worth of unites in ur account’’ As he pressed the button of proper answer quickly.
    -‘’Congratulations! You have won the prize! All you have to do now to sign up your first , middle and last name now!’’
    He laughed hysterical , his tears fell with his sweating drops , his head down writing his name exhausted that he almost forgot for moments , his hands moving on the buttons then writing his name again and the knocks on the door increasing same to the burning fire.
    -‘’We tried to rescue him but he was clinging to his chair and his mobile phone!’’ OmAlaa said.
    Translated by Sarah al Hakim.
    Original text
    by Odai Bilal
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    اللهم أعنا على ذكرك و شكرك و حسن عبادتك

  2. #2
    القديرة سارة الحكيم ..

    شكراً ألفاً لمجهودك في ترجمة قصة ( السؤال الخامس ) ، أقدر لكِ هذا المجهود .. تأكدي من ذلك .

    طلب بسيط إن أذنتِ لي أ. سارة

    تذييل القصة بـ by odai bilal

    وأكون لكِ من الشاكرين .

    تقديري وامتناني
    بكاؤكُما يشْفي وإن كان لا يُجْدي

    فـجُودا فـقد أوْدَى نَظيركُمُاعندي

    فلسـ الأردن ــطين

  3. #3
    جهد رائع استاذة سارة ومبروك اديبنا العزيز عدي

  4. #4
    مشرفة قسم اللغة الغربية
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2008
    أخي عدي , تم إضافة الاسم ^^ مشكور على الملاحظة !
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    اللهم أعنا على ذكرك و شكرك و حسن عبادتك

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