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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2009

    Galloway on Question Time on Thursday

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    الرجاء ممن أحب ن يشاهد نشاطات جورج غلوي وخطاباته في البرلمان وفي الكونجرس الأمريكي، وبرامجه ولقاءاته التليفزيونية عن قوافل شريان الحياة؛ ما عليه سوى أن يعمل كليك بالماوس على المواقع المرفقة في هذه الرسالة، والموجود تحتها خط.. موقع واحد لون الخط اللي تحته نهدة . والمواقع الأخرى تحتها خطوط زرقاء.. فقط دققوا بالكلام المكتوب بالأخضر لتجدوا مواقع فيها معظم أفلام لقاءات جورج غلوي التليفزيونية وبرامجه. أرجو أن تتمتعوا برؤيته وسماع كلامه

    أم باسل
    منى الراعي

    'Blood that will not wash away'
    The shameful and disgusting spectacle of Tony Blair appearing before the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war sparked anger and disbelief across Britain. Not only did he claim that he had no regrets about the decision to illegally go to war against the wishes of the British people, he refused to even look at the families of his victims. Hundreds of thousands died, yet Blair had the dishonesty to claim that more children were dying before the invasion - he failed to mention that United Nations sanctions demanded by the US and British were the direct cause.

    The performance was so macabre that there is a rising demand for Blair to be pulled back before the inquiry and for his to be tried for war crimes. Other ministers have implicated themselves further in the murder and chaos created in Iraq, such as Jack Straw and Geoff Hoon. Lord Goldsmith, the supposed leading lawyer in this country, admitted the US government secretly convinced him with innuendos and winks to change his opinion that the war was illegal.

    Blair's solution was clear - more murder, more danger, more war. He demanded similar action against Iran. This is the calibre of the modern politician - no apology, no mistakes, no courage just relentlessly ignore the will of the people.
    Speaking for millions
    The last week has decisively shown that this blood will not wash away. Who will speak for the dead, Iraqi, Afghan, Palestinian and British? Who speaks for the destroyed of Somalia or Pakistan?

    On Thursday, 4 February (tomorrow), The Respect Party MP, George Galloway, will be on BBC1 Question Time at 10.35 from Coventry. He will be joined by Clare Short, Blair's loyal pal Lord 'Charlie' Falconer and the egregious Melanie Phillips. Again, it falls to the Respect Party to deliver the message that the three old parties and their wars are not wanted and that we will not stand for more. Expect fireworks and expect George Galloway to speak for millions in our rage. Don't miss it.
    A Short film about Respect
    At the Chilcot inquiry last Friday, George Galloway made a short film explaining Respect's view of the significance of Iraq to the British people. View it herehttp://www.therespectparty.net/

    Salma's new blog
    Salma Yaqoob, Respect Party leader and prospective parliamentary candidate for Birmingham Hall Green, has started a blog. It will be updated with one or more entries a day. It is an easy way to keep up to date with what Salma is doing and the Respect campaign: www.salmayaqoob.com. Here is Salma's verdict on Blair's shameless conduct.http://www.salmayaqoob.com/2010/01/shameless.html
    Help us get Respect
    There are about 13 weeks to go before the general election. The Respect Party has an excellent chance of winning in three key seats in Tower Hamlets and Birmingham. We are organizing a huge volunteer effort to get supporters and members to these constituencies to help the Respect campaigns. We are asking all supporters in the South East of England to go to Tower Hamlets and all supporters in West England to go to Birmingham. Volunteer coordinators will be contacting you in the next few days to ask for your help. If you want to help, please contact therespectparty@gmail.com or telephone 07794 192 670.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2009

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