Once upon a time , there was a child called YAMAN,he went to buy sweets (bon bons)when YAMAN came back to his home ,he was so ambicios to taste the sweets . He was astonished of what he bought .YAMAN shouted : OH,MOM, DAD , my dear sister ,come and see what i bought?!!!! Its not a bag of sweets ,its a bag of GOLD.tHE FAMILLY BEGAN TO DICUSS what they have to do with this surprise ?!!!Yaman said :Ihave to return the bag of sweets .But his father refused , and told him ; No, i,ll go to the gewllery, and sell the the gold , then we wll win alot of money .The next day , the familly took the gold , but they were disappointed , because the the gewllers told them that its not areal gold , and it will not stay brightning as long as real gold The last gewller said : these are not gold peices , these are sweets covered with golden papers.while returerning to their home , they said aufully and with great sorrow ,( we should have to like YAMAN,s situation He is the only one who knew that we can find happinss not by winning Gold . But being with together , tasting the beautifull morals ,and moments , here we can find the real happiness(