Can You Recognize When You Are Gripped By Stress?

Stress affects every single one of us. If we can learn to recognize it, then we can learn to manage it. Management of stress often seeks to reduce it in ourselves. It also can be a tool for motivation and persuasion, as increasing tensions also increases our desire to reduce the tension. Stress management can be used, with care, to effectively move both ourselves and others and can help us to Be the Change.

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Stress can be felt in our bodies as physical tension, frustration, overwhelm, fear, anger, irritability, restlessness, lack of concentration, memory problems or confusion, overeating, under eating, lack of energy, problems making decisions, procrastination, emotional outbursts and lack of a sense of humor.
The five main ways to manage stress are: relax, exercise, eat well, take breaks and sleep enough.
Exercise relieves stress. Nothing relieves exercise.
~ Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata

My Life Is My Message is brought to you by Maria Khalifé of Change Coaching Institute.

I invite you to Be the Change in your own life every chance you can see to take. I hope these inspirational messages help you to achieve the best life you can create.

