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  1. #1

    مقال كامل عن قصيدة شكسبير /Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

    مقال كامل عن قصيدة شكسبير
    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?


    Sonnet XVIII, Shall I Compare Thee?
    By William Shakespeare
    Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
    Thou are more lovely and more temperate:
    Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
    And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:
    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
    And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
    And every fair from fair sometime declines,
    By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
    But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
    Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
    Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
    When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
    So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
    Shakespeare’s poem,; “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” is one of the most famous masterpieces of English literature. This poem was written in the sonnet style (14 lines long with three quatrains in four rhymed lines and a couplet of a pair of rhymed lines. Although many scholars stated that most of the sonnets are anonymous poets, but they gave a special concern to the distinguished Shakespeare's sonnets. In this sonnet Shakespeare used an elevated Elizabethan conventional form to muse and praise poetry and his beloved. Moreover, Shakespeare tried to immortalize beauty and youth.
    In the first quatrain, Shakespeare established a meditative comparison between youth, the poem and beauty to a summer's day. He expresses his opinion that all of the three themes are better than a shiny summer day. He draw a poetic image for that day with its all desirable advantages such as the winds, warmth and young buds of flowers. However, he ****phorically expressed that summer is beautiful but short and ephemeral, Shakespeare compared his poem and his beloved to that beauty and started to show how both of them are better than the summer day.
    Shakespeare said that his poem and beloved are beautiful are like summer's day regarding to the beauty of the day, but they are better than the day as for its shortness. He said that his poem, love and beauty of his beloved will remain for eternity, while a summer's day will not. He went beyond the time comparison to say even their beauty is more and better than of the summer's day.

    The second quatrain strengthens the comparison of the beloved to a summer’s day. Shakespeare criticized imperfectness of the summer's day comparing to the beauty of the poem, beloved and youth. He criticized the summer day for its weakness in front of natural changes and evanescence. However, he gave us a very romantic image when he anthropomorphized the sky and compared its eye " the sun" to his beloved shining eyes. He criticized the mutability of time represented in a summer's day and emphasized the immortality of his poem and love.
    The third quatrain dealt with a new reflective idea as Shakespeare shifted from focusing on the comparison to emphasize the fact of evanescence even for the beauty. He tried to limit the exaggeration he stated before by stating that there is nothing to do in front of the nature. However, he stressed that his poem can challenge all natural and temporal changes. He said neither time nor death can affect his poem.
    Shakespeare concluded his poem with a couplet where he spoke about the two main themes " love and poetry" stating that both of them are everlasting and that the poem remains alive as long as the people read it.
    This sonnet has a plenty of sentimental images reflecting the distinguished style of Shakespeare. He used the ****phoric form when he described “rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,” and he implies that his beloved does not suffer from these winds as summer does. However, he assured his beloved that her “eternal summer shall not fade,”. He gave another ****phor of an “eye” for the sun so that the comparison between a person and a season becomes vivid. Another ****phor in his sonnet is " Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade " as he expanded the use of the ****phor and reinforcing the poem’s advantages
    Moreover, he draw a meditative idea through his words “often is his gold complexion dimm’d.” , he expressed that inconvenient qualities do not affect the poem. In line 12 “eternal lines” he quoted Virgil's words in Aeneid whenhe wander helplessly in the underworld. In line 10 “ow’st” is short for ownest, meaning possess.

    As perpetual as his works, The English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare still the most widely admired and influential writer in the history of Western civilization.

  2. #2
    هل لى أن أقارنكِ بيوم من أيام الصيف/ شكسبير/ حسن حجازى
    هل لى أن أقارنك ِ بيوم ٍ من أيام ِ الصيف ؟
    ترجمة حسن حجازى
    ( وليام شكسبير)
    هل لى أن أقارنك ِ بيوم ٍ من أيام ِ الصيف ؟
    أنت ِ أكثرُ روعة ً منه ُ وأكثرُ اعتدالا
    فرياح ُ الصيف ِ تهز ُ براعم َ مايو فى عنف ,
    ويوم ُ الصيف ِ فى معظمه ِ سريع ُ الزوالا :
    فشمس ُ الصيف ِ أحياناً تلفحنا بلهيب ٍ من نار
    وتحيل ُ جبهته ُ الذهبية إلى لون ٍ كئيب
    وكل ُ جمالٍ يطغى عليه ِ جمال ٌ يختفى وينهار
    بالصدفة , بفعل ِ الأيام ِ الرتيبة يأتى المشيب
    لكنَ جمال َ صيفكِ الأزلى لنْ يطويهُ الفَناء
    ولن يضيع َ ما وهبك ِ الله من سحر ِ الكمال
    الموت ُ أمامك ِ يفر ُ مهزوما ً فى حياء
    وأنت ِ دوما ً فى قصيدى تكبرين فى جلال
    طالما بقى نَفَّس ٌ بإنسان ٍ أو عين ٌ ترى هذا الوجود ,
    فسوف يبقى شعرى مشرقا ً ليعطيك ِ فيضا ً للخلود !!

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    ( ليس عليك أن يقنع الناس برأيك ،، لكن عليك أن تقول للناس ما تعتقد أنه حق )

    يارب: إذا اعطيتني قوة فلاتأخذ عقلي
    وإذا أعطيتني مالا فلا تأخذ سعادتي
    وإذا أعطيتني جاها فلا تأخذ تواضعي
    لم يكن لقطعة الفأس أن تنال شيئا ً من جذع الشجرة ِ لولا أن غصنا ً منها تبرع أن يكون مقبضا ً للفأس .

  3. #3
    أخى فراس
    شكرا على المقال الجميل
    لقصيدة جميلة
    لشاعر مبدع
    حسن حجازى
    شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا ...

  4. #4
    الأخت ريمه الخانى
    شكرا على وضع ترجمتى هنا
    وشكرا لأمانتك
    هذا ما دفعنى للتواجد بينكم
    هل تقبلوننى ؟؟
    حسن حجازى

  5. #5

    Cool Sonnet 18 and its analysis

    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
    "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate"
    What if I were to compare you to a summer day? You are lovelier and more temperate i.e. , the perfect temperatur
    "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May / And summer's lease hath all too short a date"
    Summer's beauty is fragile and can be shaken, and summertime fades away all too quickly
    "Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines / And often is his gold complexion dimm'd"
    Sometimes the sun is far too hot, and often it is too cool
    dimmed by clouds and shade
    "And every fair from fair sometime declines / By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd"
    And everything that is beautiful eventually loses its beauty, whether by chance or by the uncontrollable course of nature
    "But thy eternal summer shall not fade / Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest"
    But your eternal beauty (or youth) will not fade, nor will your beauty by lost
    "Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade / When in eternal lines to time thou growest"
    Nor will Death boast that you wander in his shadow, since you shall grow with time through these sonnets
    "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see / So long lives this and this gives life to thee"
    For as long as people can breathe and see, this sonnet will live on, and you (and your beauty) with it

  6. #6
    شكرا لالك كتير ع ترجمه القصيدهنقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

المواضيع المتشابهه

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