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العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    صيدلانية/مشرفة القسم الطبي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2009

    birthday my little angles ...

    Two years and nine months ago ...when the doctor said : can u imagine ...it's a TWIN ... With a big lough on his face ...I couldnt tell my feeling ...I was really confused ...am I happy ....or upset..I didn't know I'll have the most happieness can any one ever have ...holding their hands ..feeding them ..even changing dipper for them ....I didn't know god blessed me with having these two angle girls ...and ...I still can't believe I have a TWIN ....god bless u my SARA and MASA ...u fill my life with alot of happiness u and your older bro and sis ...I can't got enough of dressing u ...doing your hair ..kissing u ...playing with u ....happy birthday my little angles

    من كل شيءٍ اذا ضيعتهُ عوضٌ
    وما منَ اللهِ إن ضيعتهُ عوضٌ

    واعلم ان الله ما منعك الا ليعطيك
    وما ابتلاك الا ليعافيك
    وما أمرضك الا ليشفيك
    وما اماتك الا ليحييك

  2. #2

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. happy birthday my MAYA
    بواسطة ندى نحلاوي في المنتدى foreign languages.
    مشاركات: 1
    آخر مشاركة: 01-29-2014, 03:22 PM

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