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  1. #1

    rason we will always be frnds101

    You accept me as I am


    . You understand me better than most


    . You are generous with your time


    I can't smell you through the puter. haha


    You are sincere


    You make me laugh


    We share everything with each other


    You're always there when I need you


    You don't take me for granted


    There was nothing good on TV, so I sent you this page


    You are not afraid to speak your mind to me

    We're both so pathetic, no one else would have us as friends


    You are genuine


    O.K., I'm just in it for the glory


    You're a good listener


    You don't use me


    You respect me for who I am


    You understand the meaning of sharing


    Your kindness surrounds everyone you touch


    You make me happy


    You make a difference in my life


    When I have a problem, you always do your best to advise me


    It's your toilet seat. Leave it however you wish


    You make me smile


    I feel good when we're together


    If I mess up, I know you will rub it in my face


    I enjoy our friendly competition


    I know it was you who ate all the nachos, but I forgive you


    29. Fess up next time! (see 28)


    With all of life's little troubles, I gotta put up with your bull too. :P


    I know I can trust you


    Your excitement is contagious


    You still owe me the rent money


    I tell you things nobody else knows


    I have probably told you too much already


    When we're old, you'll still be as useless as you are today


    You have a nice car


    38. It's mine. I want it back. (see 37)


    That was a long time ago. Just forget it


    You don't talk behind my back


    I heard everything you said about me


    I can count on you


    I just wanted to say, thanks for being my frined:0


    You don't lie to me


    You handle your aggression well


    You give me praise for a job well done


    You don't get jealous


    You never raise your voice to make a point


    You seldom make points


    You're caring


    You feel our bond is so strong, there is no need to return my phone calls


    You give a hoot


    You don't give a hoot


    Some of the best times of my life have been with you


    You always have a positive word to share with me


    You are selfless in your efforts to help others


    I never have to ask you twice

    . You always have a shoulder to lean on, when I need


    You see me as so few people do


    Your faith in me means everything


    You don't kick me when I'm down


    When you leave, I feel better for the time we have spent together


    . You listen to what I have to say


    You think before you open your mouth

    You know when not to open your mouth at all


    I can't remember this one. *LOL


    You have no hidden agendas


    I'm not sure you have an agenda


    Instead of complaining about something, you take action


    When we are fighting, you never hit below the belt


    For every negative, you find a positive and focus on that


    . When I feel surrounded by darkness, you help me see the light


    When we play pin the tail on the donkey, you generously supply your ass


    I don't have to "perform" for you


    As long as I have you for a tennis partner, I'll look like a pro


    Just when I think things can't get any worse, you show up


    You don't challenge every single word I say


    When the going gets tough, we support each other


    Even though we may be miles apart, I can feel your presence every day


    Although we may fight, I usually win. Haha


    I captured everything you did on VHS


    82. Don't get on my bad side. (see 81


    You light up the room with your presence


    I don't have to buy you x-mas presents. *LOL


    You're the only one who'll hang around for my insults


    I can't keep coming with good excuses not to see you


    You still have my house keys


    You often shed words of wisdom, just when I need to hear them the most


    Sometimes, it's simply too much fun to watch you make an ass outta yourself


    Some of the best things in life are free. Have some more nachos


    Together, we can laugh at the rest of the world, and somehow that's funny


    When the going gets tough, we simply ignore each other


    In a race to conquer the world, we're two rats of the same kind


    You're not getting any better at tennis. *wink


    We understand each other


    I know you better than you know yourself


    Actually, there's just no one else to turn to


    I have more in common with you than anyone else I know


    Sometimes, I actually get the feeling that you care


    To forgive is divine, but my parrot is still dead


    Do you really need another reason

  2. #2

    There was nothing good on TV, so I sent you this page
    very nice and strong subject
    Thanks ameer

  3. #3
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زهرة التوليب مشاهدة المشاركة

    There was nothing good on TV, so I sent you this page
    very nice and strong subject
    Thanks ameer
    You are most welcome
    nice to see you in my page

  4. #4
    Thanks ameeer
    very nice realy

  5. #5
    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بنت الشام مشاهدة المشاركة
    Thanks ameeer
    very nice realy


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